вторник, 26 юни 2012 г.

Well let's get started here. And Welcome :)

So first of all i wanna say welcome to all who will find and read this blog. I don't plan to make it a diary or something like that. Mostly i made this blog as a place to see and read things that i found interesting.
What can you expect from this blog is anything to be honest. One day I may get a quirk and just post lots of stuff like snowboarding, mountains, caves, hobbies, fine cuisine and so one.
Oh and one more thing I hope you will forgive me if i make allot of grammatical and spelling mistakes. English is not my native language, but is the best language if you want to reach allot of people, plus is always good to practice a foreign language. 

So what can i say about me:
I am guy that enjoys quite allot of things: Cooking, reading, hiking, exploring, watching movies, gaming, i am also i bee keeper and many other stuff.
At the moment i am studying psychology.
But enough about that i said this is gonna be about awesome places i find my self or while browsing the net:

So in this hot weather out side i wish to present to you something that most of you will like: 
Click to Enlarge

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